A logo for davida landscape designs with a hummingbird and leaves.

Garden Maintenace

Davida Landscape Gardening Service

Davida Landscape Designs is a one-stop destination for all gardening enthusiasts in Stamford, Connecticut, aiming to transform their outdoor spaces into magnificent green escapes. Offering a wide array of gardening services, our expert landscape designers incorporate innovative techniques and creative design plans to create breathtaking gardens perfectly tailored to your taste and personality. We blend aesthetics and functionality into flawless designs, providing you with top-notch services that stand out from the crowd. Sit back, relax, and watch as we give life to your gardening aspirations with utmost precision and finesse.

Lawn Care & Landscaping Services

a house with a lot of trees and bushes in front of it .



a person is cutting a bush with a pair of scissors .



a row of pink flowers growing in a garden next to a fence .



a stone walkway surrounded by flowers and trees in a park .

Spring & Fall

Clean Up

a person is spreading fertilizer on a lush green lawn .

Ornamental Care


a person is riding a bike in a park on a sunny day .

Early Spring


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